It's hard to believe that it was just a year ago that I became president and CEO of the Michigan Nonprofit Association.
It was then that I presented my vision for One MNA and asked the staff and our board of directors to think about the value we offer to our members, to the nonprofit sector and to Michigan. What if we aligned all of our talents and resources and combined them into an organization that operated as One MNA? What if we formed a strategic and synergistic organization instead of the functional silos that existed?
Over the past year, we have embarked on a strategic effort to make One MNA a reality. Change doesn't happen overnight, though. There have been challenges. After all, we were talking about restructuring not only the way we work, but also the way we serve our members.
For nearly 25 years, MNA has been a trusted resource for the nonprofit sector. By aligning all of our efforts in One MNA, we will be able to have an even more significant impact for nonprofits in the state. A united and synergistic MNA offers one powerful and united voice for our sector and primes nonprofits to be solid partners with government, business and civic organizations for the good of the communities we serve. Our strategic priorities over the last year have been:
• Leadership• Sustainability• And implementation of the vision for One MNA
While we have been evaluating our internal operations, we have continued to do our core work on behalf of our members. Now is a key time for Michigan's nonprofits and the communities we serve. We must continue to communicate the value of Michigan nonprofits and their impact on the economy and other ways they enhance the public good.
In this year's annual report you will learn about the exciting initiatives that our team has pursued with our funders, partners and collaborators.
Even more exciting is the future of One MNA. We hope you will continue to partner with us and support our work for a better Michigan.
Donna Murray-Brown
President and CEO