Michigan Nonprofit Association

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Census 2020 Michigan Nonprofits Count Campaign Receives State Funding

July 06, 2018

LANSING, Mich. -- The Michigan legislature recently allocated $500,000 in appropriations funding for the Census 2020 Michigan Nonprofits Count Campaign to ensure a complete count of Michigan residents in the upcoming 2020 Census. The Michigan Nonprofit Association (MNA) is spearheading the campaign and will be the steward of the funding designated to support specific areas of preparation and outreach for Census 2020. The campaign was launched with seed funding from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation and support from the Council of Michigan Foundations.

The funding will be used to ensure an accurate count of residents throughout Michigan by supporting statewide census outreach. This will include staffing and implementation of outreach strategies such as training for local officials, support of local complete count committees and coordination with the Michigan Nonprofit Complete Count Committee, which is the steering committee of the Michigan Nonprofits Count Campaign.

“The Michigan Nonprofit Association applauds Sen. Jim Stamas, Sen. Pete MacGregor and Rep. Rob VerHeulen for their leadership on the 2020 Census,” said Donna Murray-Brown, MNA president and CEO and co-chair of the Michigan Nonprofit Complete Count Committee. “A lot is at stake for Census 2020, which is why obtaining a complete count of all Michigan residents, including the hard-to-count populations, is essential to ensuring the future well-being of Michigan and all who live here.”

Currently, Michigan is at risk of losing another federal congressional seat, as well billions in annual federal funding for programs supported by census data including Medicaid, nutrition assistance, highway construction and planning, Title l and Special Education Grants, Foster Care and Child Care Grants, K-12 education, Section 8 Vouchers, and Head Start/Early Start.

“Nonprofit organizations are uniquely qualified to mobilize the hard-to-count populations,” said Hassan Jaber, executive director and CEO of ACCESS and co-chair of the Michigan Nonprofit Complete Count Committee. “Our organizations are located in urban and rural communities most at-risk of being undercounted in Census 2020. We are a trusted resource in these communities because we maintain everyday contact with the people we serve, and understand the cultural sensitivities as well as languages needed to communicate effectively. This generous grant will augment the funding we receive for this important work through major gifts and grants.”

About Michigan Nonprofit Association
Incorporated in 1990, MNA is a statewide membership organization dedicated to serving the diverse nonprofit sector through advocacy, training, and resources. MNA manages multiple programs and affiliates and is a sponsoring organization for AmeriCorps VISTA. For more information, visit mnaonline.org.

Media Contacts:
Joan Gustafson
Michigan Nonprofit Association

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