September 27, 2021
In a September 26 article in MiBiz, written by Kate Carlson, the Grand Rapids-based news publication spoke with state of Michigan nonprofits and organizations regarding the need for more virtual events.
Despite coming through the COVID-19 lockdowns, the number of in-person events is still reasonably light. Nonprofits are making the most of technology to hold virtual and online events, nevertheless, and are seemingly making it work to meet fundraising goals.
Michigan Nonprofit Association President and CEO, Donna Murray-Brown, was quoted, Typically what I’ve seen is that (nonprofits) aren’t canceling events as much as they were in 2020,” said Donna Murray-Brown, president and CEO of the Michigan Nonprofit Association. “They are turning to virtual events at the risk of not staying connected to donors and the communities they serve.”
Tags: #Nonprofit Management