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MNA to hold Virtual Legislative Day featuring Lt Governor Garlin Gilchrist II as Keynote Speaker

March 21, 2022

March 18, 2022
Contact: tpitts@mnaonline.org

LANSING- Michigan Nonprofit Association (MNA) will present its annual Legislative Day event on Tuesday, March 22, 2022, at 9:30AM via Zoom. This year’s theme is “Nonprofits- The Best Investment for Community.” The event features keynote speaker Lt. Governor Garlin Gilchrist II and will highlight the resiliency and perseverance of Michigan nonprofits over the past two years.

As the pandemic and its economic impact enters its third year, nonprofits have continued to serve their communities despite being dealt a tremendous blow by the public health and economic consequences of the pandemic as demand for services increased. Small to medium-size nonprofits are reporting that financial support generated through annual fundraising events is down 53% and individual donations are down 46%. And with donations cut in half, many of Michigan’s nonprofits find themselves in dire need of financial assistance. “What’s at stake is not only the services and supports charitable nonprofits provide to the residents in their communities, but also the jobs they create,” said Kelley Kuhn, president, and CEO, MNA.

Prior to the pandemic, Michigan’s nonprofits employed nearly 470,000 Michiganders representing just over 1 in every 10 Michigan jobs. “The charitable nonprofit sector is the backbone of our communities, and they continue to face unprecedented challenges,” said Kuhn. “Unlike other industries negatively impacted by the pandemic, no dedicated relief or grants have been allotted by the State of Michigan to charitable nonprofits and supporting charitable nonprofits will retain jobs and keep communities strong which is why we support the creation and funding of a Michigan Nonprofits Relief Program,” Kuhn said.

The Legislative Day event will feature a legislative panel discussion moderated by Chong-Anna Canfora, Michigan Community Action. Panelists include Senator Curt VanderWall of Ludington, Senator Curtis Hertel of Lansing, State Representative Joe Tate of Detroit, and State Representative Julie Calley of Portland. Lawmakers will brief attendees on important legislative and regulatory issues in the state and provide timely updates on Michigan’s budget, more specifically, the distribution of federal ARPA funds. Questions from the audience will be posed to the panel as time permits.

About MNA:

Michigan Nonprofit Association is a nonprofit 501 c (3) founded in 1990, to strengthen nonprofits and the communities they serve by advancing collective power, knowledge, systems, and strategy. MNA is a statewide membership organization dedicated to promoting and supporting anti-racism and social justice in the nonprofit sector. For more information, visit www.mnaonline.org


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Tags: State Legislation

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