Michigan Nonprofit Association

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Bipartisan State Budget includes $50 Million for Michigan’s Nonprofits

July 20, 2022

For Immediate Release
July 20, 2022
Contact: tpitts@mnaonline.org


Bipartisan State Budget includes $50 Million for Michigan’s Nonprofits

Nonprofit Relief Program will provide critical help and resources for local nonprofit organizations


Today, Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed a bipartisan budget for fiscal year 2023 that includes $50 million in relief for Michigan’s nonprofits. We applaud her and the state legislature for making Michigan nonprofits a priority and understanding the important contributions charitable nonprofit organizations will make to Michigan’s economic recovery. Before the pandemic, Michigan’s nonprofits employed nearly 470,000 Michiganders representing just over 1 in every 10 Michigan jobs.

When 2020 began, no one imagined the challenges Michigan’s residents and its economy would face. Nonprofits stepped up and provided essential services to our local communities and families. However, many were dealt a tremendous blow by the public health and economic consequences of the pandemic as demand for services skyrocketed.

Over the course of the pandemic, the legislature worked tirelessly to provide relief to specific sectors in Michigan’s economy devastated by the pandemic- but until now- charitable nonprofits had very limited access to relief programs which is why we are extremely grateful to our state leaders for making nonprofits a priority. “Getting funds into the hands of Michigan nonprofits that have been hit hard by the pandemic will give them and the communities they serve a fighting chance to recover from this crisis,” said MNA President and CEO, Kelley Kuhn. “The funds are part of the fiscal year 2023 budget, and so, the earliest they would be released is October 1. We’re looking forward to starting the conversations with the Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity to flesh out the details of the nonprofit relief program.”


Michigan Nonprofit Association is a 501 c (3) founded in 1990 to serve the nonprofit sector through advocacy, training and resources. MNA is a statewide membership organization dedicated to promoting and supporting anti-racism and social justice in the nonprofit sector. For more information, visit www.mnaonline.org

Download michigannonprofitreliefprogrammediaadvisory.pdf

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