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DBusiness: $35M Relief Fund Application Goes Live to Assist Small Michigan Nonprofits

March 23, 2023

$35M Relief Fund Application Goes Live to Assist Small Michigan Nonprofits

By Tim Keenan and RJ King

The Michigan Nonprofit Association (MNA) and the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity (LEO) announced the $35 million MI Nonprofit Relief Fund application is live at MINonprofitRelief.org.

The funds are intended for Michigan small charitable nonprofit organizations that have been negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The application phase will close on May 5. The website also includes resources and frequently asked questions. Nonprofits are required to complete the application to be considered, regardless of whether they previously filled out the “intent to apply” form. Nonprofits do not have to be members of MNA to apply for/receive grant funding.

“We received an overwhelmingly positive response during the intent-to-apply phase from nonprofits expressing interest in the MI Nonprofit Relief Fund,” says Kelley Kuhn, president and CEO of MNA. “We encourage nonprofits — especially those from underrepresented, underserved and rural areas — to apply. Michigan’s nonprofits have given so much to their communities every day, and this fund helps give back to those who give.”

For additional questions, nonprofits can email relieffund@mnaonline.org.

An additional $15 million MI Nonprofit Impact Grant program will be administered by LEO and is designed for larger nonprofits to support programs that lift people out of poverty and above the ALICE (Asset Limited Income Constrained, Employed) threshold. This program is expected to launch in spring 2023.

Read the full article here.

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