By WNEM Digital | Published: Nov. 8, 2023
MID-MICHIGAN (WNEM) - The Michigan Nonprofit Association and Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity announced hundreds of Michigan nonprofits have been granted funds.
The $35 million MI Nonprofit Relief Fund was announced in February of 2023 and hopes to help small charitable nonprofit organizations that continuously serve their communities during hard, tough times.
Across mid-Michigan, 205 nonprofit organizations got more than $4.4 million.
The MI Nonprofit Relief Fund awarded one-time grant funds anywhere from $5,000 to $25,000 to organizations most affected by COVID-19, especially those in underserved and underrepresented populations. Michigan nonprofits had to be state-based, a 501(c)(3) with annual revenues of less than $1 million, demonstrate necessary expenditures and losses incurred after March 3, 2021, due to the pandemic.