October 11, 2024
Joan GUSTAFSON, the external affairs officer of the Michigan Nonprofit Association, said nonprofit organizations are bearing huge financial burdens to raise funds for private studies, adding that those studies usually are not as comprehensive or conclusive as state data.
She described how during the COVID-19 pandemic, when the Arab American Heritage Council in Michigan wanted to develop a vaccine education and distribution program, it could not access federal funding earmarked for minority community services because of MENA residents being listed as "White."
"Disaggregated data is like a magnifying glass. It allows us to see beyond the averages and recognize the nuances that aggregated data might miss," Gustafson said. "By understanding these nuances, nonprofits can better understand and identify the socioeconomic and healthcare needs in their communities and create more effective interventions and programs."
Original Article: https://uvzwl-zgpvh.campaign-view.com/ua/viewinbrowser?od=3z737f96589eb9d3b41ec800d0b23ec5e09bb51ded