Michigan Nonprofit Association


MNA Annual Report

A Year of Record Breaking Support

From a sold-out legislative day to an unprecedented pandemic relief fund program, last year we saw record breaking support for Michigan's nonprofit sector.

This annual report by the Michigan Nonprofit Association is a summary and snapshot of our success and progress during our last fiscal year from July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023. All findings and financial reporting are based on this timeframe.

Building A More Diverse Team

As the nonprofit association serving the entire state of Michigan, representation matters. So we were very intentional about this and other attributes we needed in this first recruitment cycle.


Michigan's Statewide Nonprofit Census

In a groundbreaking report, MNA and Data Driven Detroit (D3) led the charge to analyze the challenges diverse people face as they seek leadership positions in nonprofit organizations. 


Nonprofits Roar at Sold Out Nonprofit Day at the Capitol

Lt. Governor Gilchrist II and Sen. Sarah Anthony addressed nearly 200 nonprofit leaders at MNA’s largest Nonprofit Day at the Capitol to date.


MI Nonprofit Relief Fund

This powerful achievement then came with a mandate: To create an equitable and community-driven process to award these grants to nonprofits.


MNA Tech in 2023

In 2023, MNA Tech helped revitalize nonprofit operations with streamlined technology solutions and expert training for a post-pandemic world.


MNA Launches TikTok Account

To connect with new audiences in an engaging way, MNA launched a TikTok account with astonishing results.


2022 Financials

The Michigan Nonprofit Association remains financially healthy and is experiencing growth. 


Looking Ahead with Kelley Kuhn

“When we look to the year ahead, we are considering all the opportunities we have to amplify the work of nonprofits and keep us on everyone’s radar...


Women Leading in NonProfits

An Evening of Connection and Inspiration

In September 2022 MNA hosted, “Women Leading in Nonprofits” an evening of connection and inspiration with speakers Kelley Kuhn and Tasha Blackmon (President and CEO of Cherry Health) moderated by Rachel Kuntzsch (Public Sector Consultants). We had a wonderful experience meeting all who attended and want to thank our participants and sponsors for joining us!

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